This website

There's a million different places on the internet to put your stuff on to. But none of them last. Sure, they are better connected, revolve around discovery, and algorithms, and friends, and likes, and comments, and feedback. But they are also annoying, and ever changing. This website is a place to hold my stuff, in suspense. It's mostly for my own sake for documenting the small things I sometimes build, but just maybe it can offer some insight to others too. That'd be nice.

This website

To prevent the website from rotting, I kept it as simple as possible. It's a statically generated website, with no dependencies, or well, one dependency. Writing image resizing from scratch wasn't a wheel I felt like reinventing, it if ever flakes, it should be easy enough to replace. I went with Go as that seemed reasonable enough. It's a simple language to pick up, easy to run and hopefully supported for a while. If I wanted to future proof it even more I could have gone for something older, like C for example. Worst case I'll be porting Go to Java 36 in the retirement home, have something to do.

It's using a simple structure: a landing page with an index and two types of sub-pages, an article and a gallery. The article is for text and images, like this page, and the gallery is for images only. Each article is written in it's own file which is then inserted into the template during generation time. Some handwritten CSS is used along with normalize.css to style it. There's no JavaScript, the site is completely static. And that's basically it.